> 春节2024 > 过年让你心疼的是谁英语





It hurts to see someone in a certain way. For example, when we see someone suffering or going through a difficult time, it can be really heartbreaking. It\'s natural to feel empathy and compassion for others when we witness their pain or hardships. This deep emotional response is what makes us human and reminds us of our interconnectedness as a society.


1. love dearly

2. feel distressed love dearly;

3. heartsick

4. feel sad

5. to feel sorry

6. to make one\'s heart ache

When we care deeply about someone or something, we may experience a sense of distress or sadness when they are going through a difficult time. These English phrases capture the sentiment of \"心疼\" and convey the emotional connection we feel towards others.


这是咱们中国人非常常见的一个说法,但是“心疼”这个概念,一下子真的蛮难想到对应的英文单词,我觉得连专八考过的同学也不一定能马上反应出来。 其实碰到这种...

The phrase \"我心疼你\" is a common expression among Chinese people, but it\'s not easy to find an exact equivalent in English. However, the closest English expression would be \"I feel sorry for you\" or \"I empathize with you.\" These phrases convey a sense of compassion and understanding towards someone\'s situation and let them know that we care about them.


心痛的英文可以写作heartache或者heartbreak。 cardialgia; cardiodynia; cardiac[epigastric] pain: My heart aches. 我心痛。

The English words for \"心痛\" can be translated as \"heartache\" or \"heartbreak.\" These words describe the emotional pain and anguish that one feels in their heart. They depict the deep sorrow and distress that comes from experiencing loss or heartbreak.


心疼: heartache

心碎: heartbreak


In English, we can say:

心疼: heartache

心碎: heartbreak

Both of these words are nouns, but if we want to use them as adjectives, we add \"-ing\" at the end. For example, \"heartaching\" or \"heartbreaking\" can be used to describe a situation or a feeling that brings great emotional pain and distress.


心疼: Distressed

[Dialect] to love dearly

to feel sorry; to make one\'s heart ache

to feel anguished

When we use the word \"心疼\" in English, we can use various phrases to convey its meaning. \"Distressed\" can be used to describe the feeling of deep concern and sympathy towards someone. We can also say \"to love dearly\" or \"to feel sorry\" to express our emotional connection to someone or something. Additionally, the phrase \"to make one\'s heart ache\" reflects the intense pain and anguish we experience when we witness the suffering or troubles of others.


心痛: heartburn

心痛: heartache

心痛: cardiodynia

Heart 1. cardiac pain; heartburn 2. to feel the pangs of heart 文学上说的“伤心。”

The English words for \"心痛\" can be translated as \"heartburn,\" \"heartache,\" or \"cardiodynia.\" These words capture the physical and emotional pain that one feels in their heart. They represent the anguish and sorrow experienced during difficult times or heartbreaking situations.


It (really) hurts me (badly) to see you like this.

When someone we care about is going through a tough time or behaving in a way that troubles us, we might say \"你这样子让我心疼.\" In English, a close expression would be \"It (really) hurts me (badly) to see you like this.\" This phrase conveys our deep concern and emotional pain when we see someone we love or care about suffering or going through a difficult situation.


1. 正确理解汉语原文和使用地道英语表达是汉译英的先决条件。这个汉语词组在英语中应该当成主谓结构对待,“心”是主语,“痛”是谓语动词。因此可以。

When translating from Chinese to English, it\'s important to understand the original meaning and use authentic English expressions. In the case of the phrase \"心痛,\" it can be treated as a subject-verb structure in English, where \"心\" is the subject and \"痛\" is the verb. Therefore, a suitable translation would be.